Through Missions at Ocean View, our goal is to fulfill the Great Comission through giving people the opportunity to hear, understand, and respond to the Gospel. We are passionate about helping people follow Jesus and work toward that purpose with those who live here, near, and far.

We support other local ministries through financial support. We partner with local Myrtle Beach Schools to provide School Supplies and Food for the Weekends for kids in need.
Helping Hand of Myrtle Beach
Helping Hand is a short-term crisis and referral agency which seeks to address the needs of our community not met by other existing institutions. Our mission is to assist individuals and families with immediate, short-term needs such as food, rent, utilities, and other specialized services, which if not met, would threaten an individual’s or family’s stability. By providing these services Helping Hand seeks to prevent those in need of basic services from falling into homelessness. Ocean View collects food items during the summer to help this ministry.
Lifeline Children’s Ministry
With a mission to equip the Body of Christ to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children, we know we cannot do this without one another. Whether through adoption, foster care, orphan care, or education and counseling, the mission is accomplished when churches live out James 1:27 in their communities and to the ends of the earth. Ocean View Partners with Lifeline to provide Families Count training for parents as a step towards reunification with their children.
Habitat for Humanity
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity of Horry County brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. The vision of the organization is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Through the establishment of faith, and civic and community partnerships, Habitat Horry empowers individuals and neighborhoods through shelter, transforms through education, and inspires through change. Click below to view and register for the various ongoing projects with Habitat for Humanity.
Community Kitchen Inc.
The Community Kitchen of Myrtle Beach tradition for the past 27 years is to feed the hungry. They serve the working poor, our senior citizens, Veterans, children, the transients, and the homeless. In 2018 they served over 101,019 guests without regard to the situation or condition. The meals and fellowship are provided at NO COST to their guest.
Jesus’ final words to His disciples were emphatic.
The call to go and make disciples in all nations continues to followers of Jesus even today.
At Ocean View, we believe that going on a missions trip can have an exponential impact not only on the people we minister to, but also in altering the faith of those who answer the call to go. Ocean View engages with our ministry partners strategically to prepare trips that meet physical and spiritual needs of those in their cultural context. For more information on our local ministry parters or current mission trips contact
GLOBAL Outreach
Through a community-based model, AMOS trains and empowers health promoters in rural areas to identify and treat common illnesses, right in their own villages. And at our community clinics in vulnerable neighborhoods of Nicaragua, we provide quality primary health care services to people who would otherwise be unable to afford them. Ocean View partners with AMOS and brings teams down to Nicaragua twice this summer.
A non profit working in Honduras focused on empowering and reunifying families.
We want to see more kids reunified with their families and leave the orphanages where they temporarily reside whenever it's in the child's best interest.
That's why we support the Honduran child welfare office with logistical efforts in visiting and evaluating biological family members who have made an effort to request custody of the child or children. Ocean View has partnered with Embraced International on Mission Trips to serve these families.
Mission Possible
Bringing Help And The Gospel To The People Of Eastern Europe.
Mission Possible is a Christian mission and aid organization for Eastern Europe.
Since 1974, our goal has been to equip the local Church in Eastern Europe for works of service (Eph. 4:12). We are helping them effectively reach needy and searching people in bringing them the Gospel message, Biblical teaching, and life-changing help. Ocean View is partnering with Mission Possible in missions to Bulgaria this summer.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. Our mission is to provide local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We ship these simple gifts outside the United States to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease. Ocean View is proud to be the hub for the greater Myrtle Beach area.