Operation Christmas Child
Each year we have an amazing opportunity to reach kids all over the world. Ocean View is the Regional Hub for Operation Christmas Child! All the boxes from our area come through our building to be packed, processed, and be ready for shipping. This requires several volunteers all throughout the month of November each year. Contact us to discover how you can be a part! For more information, email jim@ovbc.org
All Nations Café
Each year throughout the Summer thousands of International college age students come to work and live here in Myrtle Beach on a J-1 Visa. Ocean View has been chosen to be a host facility for All Nations Café, where we will provide and serve a meal to over 100 students one evening per week, from 6-9pm for 10-12 weeks. Besides providing meals, we will have time to interact with the students around the dinner table, play games, share in some fun American traditions, share stories of the gospel, and discover ways to share life together. CLICK HERE to get more info!