Your Arrival
We can't wait to greet you at Ocean View!
When you visit, our parking team will help you find our First Time Guest Parking next to our building entrances on 73rd, as well as, additional parking one block north on 74th Ave.
Families with preschool and elementary aged children can check-in their kids early to Ocean View Kids beginning at 9:15am and 10:45am.
Then, come have a cup of coffee at our Cafe as you enjoy one of our three services at 8:15, 9:30, and 11am.
Our mission is to help people follow Jesus. We intentionally design our services to be an hour long, with authentic worship and life-giving teaching that can help you take your next step, no matter what that step is.
After the service, our pastors and team would love to meet you in person and offer you a gift to thank you for worshiping with us!

Ocean View Kids
At Ocean View Kids (birth-5th grade), we believe that every environment should be exciting, safe, and relevant in helping your family to follow Jesus. Our environments for kids are age-intentional with worship, small groups, and applicable teaching from the Bible. Our kids environments are open during the 9:30 and 11am services.
Our Worship Experience
Our gatherings create space for breakthrough moments in our faith. As we shape the environment for worship through song, lighting, and sound, the body of Christ becomes open to the change He desires to see in every life.